Get to know me

I am an IFS trained healer, passionate about bringing this model to the world. I’ve witnessed the healing that can be accessed through this model, with others and within myself. I’m so happy that you’re curious about what it could bring you. I welcome anyone who is desiring a deep connection with their system and parts, and looking to heal, unburden, and find freedom within. I also love working with couples and those in relationships to tend to the parts of us triggered by our partners. Relationships require so much vulnerability that it makes sense when protectors arrive to our defense. I’d love to support you in finding enough safety inside to remain connected to the one you love.

* It’s important to note that IFS healing in this setting is not psychotherapy. This means there will be no diagnosing or treating of mental health symptoms. All the work done here is working with parts, and while some parts may hold anxious energy for example, we will not be “treating” anxiety. It is important that healing clients are aware of the differential between this work and psychotherapy, and are informed in this decision.

Grace Charlton (she/her)

  • IFS Institute Level 1 training: 90 training hours

  • IFS Institute Level 2 training (Deepening and Expanding): 32 training hours

  • IFIO Training (intimacy from the inside out): 72 training hours

  • Level 1 Program Assistant Staff IFSI

Relevant Trainings


Individual sessions:

50 minutes $175 | 90 minutes $215

Couples sessions:

60 minutes $220 | 90 minutes $250